Cumhachd Shlèite is a community hydro scheme in Sleat, the southern peninsula of the Isle of Skye.
Sleat Hydro Community Benefit Society was formed by Sleat Community Trust in 2020. We launched a community share offer which closed the following February having raised £235,000.
Following a successful build, the hydro scheme was commissioned on 16 August 2021.
Cumhachd Shlèite utilises the power of Allt a’ Cham-aird to generate clean, renewable energy. All profits from the sale of electricity will be used for community benefit in Sleat for decades to come.

JB Hydro began construction in April 2021 and work finished after 10 weeks. Rob Brakes is our chosen hydro contractor and our volunteers manage the general hydro scheme maintenance.
Cumhachd Shlèite has an installed capacity of 34 kW and our target is to generate 148,000 kWh of electricity each year, which is approximately enough to power 40 homes.
All of the electricity produced is sold to an energy supplier through the National Grid, although we hope to be able to sell directly to Sleat households in the future.
The Cumhachd Shlèite community share offer was launched on 7 December 2020. It raised the full £235,000 required for construction and closed after receiving more than 200 applications.
£155,000 of our target came from Sleat residents alone with over £200,000 coming from the Skye and Lochalsh area in total.
Each of our 180 society members have equal voting rights and can receive interest payments on their investment from 2023.
All profits from the sale of electricity will be used for community benefit and we expect over £150,000 during the first 20 years. This will be used to fund sustainable local projects which benefit the Sleat community and our environment.

Our grand opening took place on 28 August 2021 and was included as an event during the Skye Climate Fèis.
Now that the project has been delivered, shareholders are encouraged to volunteer to help with the society management and general hydro scheme maintenance.
We are happy to welcome visitors to Tormore Forest who would like to learn more about Cumhachd Shlèite.

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